The early months of 1963 is the next time we see references to Castlederg in relation to Gaelic games. The North Tyrone Board was set up in March of that year to better promote the playing of our native games in the area. The registrar of the Board was Jack Lynch from Castlegore.

This coincided with the arrival of a noted Fermanagh footballer, Pat O’Loughlin, to the town. Pat fondly recalls the meeting he had with Jack Lynch not long after arriving. Jack conveyed the wish, expressed by Fr. Devine himself, that Pat should start Gaelic football for the young boys of the area.

This was one of those offers that a young man, just starting up business in the town, simply could not refuse! Pat put out the word to see if there was enough interest so a football team might be started, and the response came back to the effect that if a certain Jarlath Ramsey got involved, then the rest would follow.

Jarlath, needless to say, being the true sportsman that he was, made himself available and things fell into place at under age level. He has a clear recollection of Pat arriving down to Spamount to watch some of the prospective Gaelic players plying their trade at soccer, a game which most of them were familiar with.